Pre-Anesthesia/Surgery Instructions Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer
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Pre-Anesthesia/Surgery Instructions

The Night Before (Non-diabetic and Diabetic Patients)
You should try to keep your normal routine the night before the planned procedure. This would include normal diet. If you leave food out overnight, the food bowl should be picked up at or before 10:00 p.m. the night before. Do not restrict water! Your pet should have free access to water up until you leave to come in the day of the procedure. If you typically give your cats medications at night, please do so.

The morning of the procedure
No breakfast allowed, but water should be left out for your cat to drink. If your pet normally takes medications in the morning, unless otherwise directed by your pet’s doctor, you should give them the day of the procedure as well. The only exception is for diabetic pets (read below).

Diabetic Pre-Procedure Instructions
You will want to keep your normal routine the night before the procedure, so administer the usual insulin dose.

The morning of the procedure, administer ½ dose of insulin if you normally give this before 7:15 a.m. If your appointment time is before the time you typically administer the insulin (e.g. insulin given at 9:00 a.m.), bring the insulin with you and we will administer the dose at the appropriate time.

Admission Appointment
We admit surgical/procedural patients promptly at 7:15 a.m. Please note that this appointment with one of our nurses that will be assigned to you and your kitty. This will take about 15 minutes. You will be asked to review and sign a brief surgery admission form authorizing the hospital to proceed with the planned procedure. You will also discuss pre-anesthetic screening and treatment options, as appropriate.